Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sometimes I think if there was a third sex, men wouldn't get so much as a glance from me

I think I may be on the verge of losing my mind. I found out this morning that I’d left my car keys in the cognition overnight. Anyone could have just opened the door and drove off with my car. Can you imagine that kind of trouble I would be in? My parents would make me take back all of my applications and enroll me in a nearby community college. On a side note, you have to admit my karma has been excellent the day I started my vegetarian diet.

Today was such a busy day. I found out that I don’t have enough Breadth pieces for that AP Art Studio Portfolio. For some reason, my charcoal drawing of a glass jar on red velour paper that I am really proud of is gone. It is not in my cubicle and not in my portfolio holder thingy. It’s gone. I only have five Breadth pieces right now: photography, acrylic, mixed media, pastel, and pen and ink. I’ll have to do a piece for water color (which I hear is a pain in the derriere), graphite (I am so bad with values for graphite), collage (something I can do on the computer—YES!), color pencils (at least it’s Prismacolor), and marker and water (my favorite medium). The only problem with marker and water is that I am not very good at it. I seem to have developed a particular pleasure in doing portraits lately. I don’t know why because I usually don’t take pictures of faces. It’s something exciting and I’ll ask my female friends to model for me.
I find the male facial and physical feature inferior to their female counterparts. Don’t get me wrong—I prefer men in sexual context, but I prefer women artistically. I just feel like the female forms draw me in and intrigue me more.

I might do a water color of the picture of the cupcakes Mlle. Smith and Velasco made for my birthday.

I've spent this whole afternoon working on scholarship applications that I've discovered yesterday and are due tomorrow! Can you believe it? Tomorrow! I have three major tests tomorrow too. Isn't that just lovely. I'm not complaining. Mlle. Valdez is in the same situation plus a job and minus the scholarship part, and her birthday's tomorrow. Three tests--What a lovely birthday present.

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