So when we first started, Mlle. Johnston wandered around the ship. I don't remember what our purposes were, but, truth be told, we were bored and disappointed that guys didn't hit on us. Conceited? Very. I guess we were just trying to look busy until the club opened, which was 10 PM. We got followed by a bunch of black teenage boys who were hitting on us. We stupidly went into this empty bar where they kind of cornered us until my daddy walked in. He didn't know what was going on, but I told one of the kids that he was my daddy and he was an ex-Marine; they all scrammed after that. Mlle. Johnston was a bit peeved that I did that since they kind of were our source of fun. We chatted with this cute Australian fitness trainer; he seemed nice enough, but I don't think he was interested.
So at 10, we left for the club, where NO ONE was in. Lame. So we went to watch an okay show with dancers and comedians. Then we went to the Single and Ready to Mingle event at the same club as before (it's called Rex, by the way), and we were like, "Okay, if there's no one there, let's bail."
There were some people, but the people dancing, at first, were mostly drunk and unattractive. They all couldn't dance, so we didn't dance at first because we didn't want to be associated with that. But we finally went for the dance floor fifteen minutes in. At first, I was so nervous because there were about eleven people on the dance floor, so Mlle. Johnston and I were very easily seen and easily judged. Plus. Mlle. Johnston is a dancer and she danced very sexily, and I didn't want to be compared to that.
Well, I got into it soon enough and this guy named Nick came up and introduced himself and said he saw me in the parking lot earlier in the day and thought he's come and say hi. I introduced myself and we kind of danced together in a group, but I got thirsty, so I went to the bar to drink water.
Well, I was by myself since I told Mlle. Johnston to keep dancing, and this older guy came up and introduced himself; his name was David and he saw me around the pool and thought he'd come over and say hi. Seriously? Like, you can't come up with something more clever than that? He turned out to be 29. Eww. Twenty five is my cut off age. Plus, I was sitting in the stool next to him and I could smell the liquor on his breath. Monsieur Dow told me once that I should just try just sit there all pretty and not be all that talkative, and if a guy's truly interested, he'll bend over backward to keep making conversation. That kind of did happen even though I didn't intent for things to go that way; he'd keep saying something and I'd comment on it politely and that'd be it. This one song came up and I was desperate to get rid of him so I was like, "I LOVE this song!" and started leaving, but then I felt bad so I was like, "You wanna come with?" and of course he followed.
I returned to where we were dancing, where Nick grabbed my hand and started to twirl me round and round. It was fun at first until I realized that he wanted my butt, which had been facing the corner to avoid unwanted grinders, to be right in front of his crotch. Hell no; I'm not going to let some random ass drunk guy I just met stick his junk in my back business, so I kept twirling and twirling and keeping my butt to the wall. Problem solved.
Then Mlle. Johnston got thirsty and I went with her to get a drink, with David of course. He offered to buy us drinks, but I didn't want to get drinks from him, so I politely declined. Mlle. Johnston wanted some though, but they wouldn't let him buy it for her. He let her drink some of the stuff he was drinking even though he knew we were 18. I thought it'd be okay to leave her with him for a few seconds since he was so awkward and I was sure that he'd not do anything inappropriate with her, so I left for the bathroom multiple times that night since Aunt Flo is a bitch who won't leave me the fuck alone. I was wearing my tight stripe dress which looked lovely, but it was so tight that if I wore a pad, it would be visible to creeps who stared at my butt. I'm having major problems with tampons so toilet paper was the next best thing even though that meant I had to change often. Aunt Flo is much like my mother, who came to the Single and Ready to Mingle event and WATCHED us. Thank God we were not doing anything inappropriate when she was watching. Moments before, Mlle. Johnston was smoking and grinding on someone--not at the same time of course. I asked her to leave, and, surprisingly, she did without a hassle.
Well, that is...until I got bored of sitting at the bar once when this funny black guy grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. I saw this cute guy dancing by himself and started dancing in front of him. Gradually, we got closer and closer but never close enough for any part of him to touch me even though I would sometimes accidentally brush his knees or upper legs. We were having a good time until I saw the funny black guy dancing with another woman but Mlle. Johnston was nowhere to be found. I kept dancing with the same guy, but I kept looking around and found her with Creeper David at the bar and he gave her something to drink. I kept dancing around, but moments later, she and Creeper David was gone and I couldn't find them anywhere.
At this point, on a scale of one to ten, my freaking out level was a high 6. I don't get freak out easily; almost nothing even gets pass four, so six is pretty high. I stopped dancing and started looking around. Since my back was to the bar when we danced, I asked my dancing partner if he'd seen where she went. He didn't know, but he went with me to ask some of the people who worked there for her whereabouts, and one of them got us to the right place. She was smoking where we were sitting when the club started, but then I saw Creeper David uncomfortably close to her. I tried asking her if she was okay from where I was dancing but I'm nearsighted and that club was dark, so I couldn't tell. I didn't want to just come over there and dragged her over. At one point, she came over and she was like, "Hey, are you okay?" and I was like, "Are YOU okay?"
She wasn't, but he followed her to us, so I grabbed my dancing partner's shoulders and spoke to his ears, "hey, is it alright if she dances with us? That guy's 29." He said it was okay, so I immediately grabbed her hands and we danced with my dancing partner too. Well, Creeper David came on the dance floor and started dancing with her again even though my dancing partner and I tried our hardest to keep them separated.
A few minutes later, another guy came and grabbed my dancing partner and shouted to me, "This is my little cousin!" I laughed and waved hello to the "little cousin" and the older cousin started dancing with me and his cousin. Suddenly, I grabbed him and said, "can you dance with my friend over there?" he was like, "yeah, sure" and he grabbed her and pulled her toward him while Creeper David was still grinding on her. They had tons of fun dancing thisclose to each other while Creeper David watched on; he didn't leave till much later.
When the problem with Mlle. Johnston was situated, I turned to the little cousin and thanked him. I asked him for his name and he said "David." Great. He asked for my name and I told him.
Anyways, throughout the night, David was dancing very, very close to me, but I always backed away while dancing. Sometimes I would be backed to the wall, but I always found a way to turn and go the other way.
Anyways, at one point, I put my hands on his shoulders to ask him a question, since he would lean closer and give me his ear. Well, this time, for some reason, I kept it there a bit too long, and he took it as an invitation to put his hands on my waist, where they eventually slipped down to my hips. So, when the faster beats came, I took my hands off his shoulders and threw them in the air; to shake off HIS hands, I jump-danced and turned around. Bad move. He grabbed my hips again and now my butt was to him and I could feel him trying to get closer. I was just trying to inch unnoticeably forward to counteract his moving forward. Then the faster beats came again and I danced just out of reach. Disaster averted.
Toward the end of the night, there were only three couples on the dance floor and I was the only one of them not grinding and touching.
At one point, I got thirsty and told David. He came with me to get a drink and Mlle. Johnston and the older cousin--Phil--came over too, but before they did, this guy asked to come between David and I when we were talking to grab some water. No big. He accidentally spilled some on my thighs and he said, "Sorry" to me and turned to David and said, "I'll leave it to you to wipe it for her," with a wink and left. I wiped it myself before he could get to it. Mlle. Johnston told me that Creeper David just grabbed her ass and started grinding when she was smoking.
Phil left and Mlle. Johnston danced with us. There was only one couple left on the dance floor and they were dirty dancing, like, no joke.
All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms grabbing my arms, but I didn't panic because I could tell they were a woman's hands: warm and motherly. She leaned in to whisper in my ears "I don't know..." Millions of thoughts raced through my head before she could finish the sentence: if you know, but dancing that close with a guy like that is very risqué/if you know, but you're bleeding through your dress/ if you know, but your bloody pad's fallen to the floor...worst case scenarios like that. Instead, she said, "I don't know how you get your lovely body to move like that, but I think I should let you know that you're a beautiful dancer." I laughed and thanked her. That totally made my night.
I don't know why, but I think David became more interested in Mlle. Johnston than me after she joined. No big, I'm not interested in him. I'm just glad I was dancing with him and not some creep who would try harder to press against me. Us four made plans to do Salsa dancing tomorrow even though I can't salsa for shit.