Thursday, March 3, 2011

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Okay, so on Monday, Mme. Kennedy said that she liked my shirt, which was awfully nice for her to say because she is usually very professional and stoic. She then said she liked all of my clothes and that I always looked so "elegant." Eeek! Best. Day. Ever.


That's probably the one of the few things worth remembering this week. This has been such a horrible week for me.

First, there's the whole prom-limo issue. I already kind of knew that Mlle. Jang, Imhoff, Lee, the foreign exchange students, and their friends are going on one limo, but apparently they invited Mlle. Smith too. I was like, okay, where does that leave me? I told Mlle. Smith about this little predicament, and she said she'd ask if I could come too. I already felt like such a tag-along, so I started my own group: me, Mlle. Smith, Macias, Hatfield, Tran (the elder), and whoever we bring along.

Well, Mlle. Smith didn't like that idea as much. She said going with my group wouldn't be fun because we're all so straight (no alchohol, drugs, or sex for us). I suggested that we split up since we would see each other anyways at the prom. She was completely against that idea and convinced me to ask Mlle. Jang if there was room for me on the bus.

I HATE doing stuff like that, like, forcing myself on people. I asked Mlle. Jang, and she told me to ask Mlle. Imhoff, who told me to ask Mlle. Lee. Well, I got the whole story today from Mlle. Jang during a conversation to math class, and it came out to Mlle. Imhoff, Lee, Jang, and Smith were talking about prom in their composition class, and Mlle. Jang just drew up a list of people on their bus, something they have already secured. Mlle. Jang apologized for not including me too because they were planning it "since last semester." When I heard that, I said, "actually, me, [Mlle. Smith], [Mlle. Velasco], and [Mlle. Yasakova] were planning it since sophomore year. I don't know why [Mlle. Smith] didn't tell you, because she should have from the get-go."

I swear to God, sometimes I just want to shake Mlle. Smith senseless and tell her to stop being so wishy-washy. She's a goddamn adult, and she should start by making her own goddamn decisions instead of letting people just shape her however they want. During Calculus, I made up my mind to make our own group whether or not she'd be with me.

When I told her, I listed the reasons why I wouldn't be going with Mlle. Jang's group:
  1. There's NO ROOM. They've already exceeded their intended 25 by alot.
  2. They obviously didn't want me, because not only did I have to ask multiple times, they didn't invite me in the first place. I would hate to force them to make room for me because that's just rude and would make things awkward for everybody.
  3. I'm more comfortable with people who have fun the way I have fun a.k.a. without drugs and alcohol.
  4. I'd know more than 5/6 for the people on my bus as compared to 4/3293029832903928 on Mlle. Jang's bus. Mlle. Smith's ratio is a tiny-bit better, but not much.
I told her that I was fine with her going on the other bus, but I was just letting her know that I wouldn't be coming with her. I was so surprised when she immediately said  that she would be in my group and not Mlle. Jang's. That's a good start. But she needs to resolve all this confusion by herself.

Tomorrow, a bunch of us are coming over to my house to discuss the whole limo thing. I hope it'll go well.

Second, the other day, Mlle. Schneider brought in a vegetarian burrito from Burger Barn. I had a bite and fell in love, so I went the next day, buying one for lunch and one for breakfast. Well, I ate both for breakfast and was so full by the end of 1st period. Then I went and drank a bottle of water. Then I felt really sick and went home and played the Sims 3 all day. That was a good day, actually. Mlle. Smith called me later to tell me about her conversation with Mlle. Yasakova. She needs to get that issue resolved too.

Third, the day before the burrito incident, I was super tired all of a sudden while doing homework in the library after school when the kid I tutor failed to show up. So I tried to finish before the library closed, and went home when I did. I went home and slept until five in the morning, not finishing any homework beside the one I did in the library.

Fourth, today is my little brother's birthday, so, as promised, I took him out to eat. We had a grand time at IHOP since he'd never been.

Fifth, my cousin Mlle. Truong got into CalState Long Beach and she called me all excited. Her poor mother is living up here with us temporarily and she was very excited as well. She was bragging to my father and telling him about that. She then told me that when my cousin becomes a nurse, I should hire her since I'll be a doctor. Thank God she doesn't know that I'll be far far far away from here.

I wonder...when I look back on this blog, will I hate how much I complain, whine, and bitch? Hopefully, because complaining is hideous, I hate doing it, but I do it all the time. Does that make me a hideous person?

Here's more:

I'm so tired of school and the "friends" I have. I've been trying to find the right expression for these feelings I've been having and the closest I've come to it is a person with his/her head forced underwater. For five days, it's underwater, but the head gets to come up and breathe for the weekends before being forced under water again on Monday. I wish time flies faster. I wish I got into Barnard. But both are out of my hand.

Although, I do have a theory. I read somewhere that whether time flies fast or slow depends on the quantity of memory in that specified time period. Say, if you remember a lot of things, then time is slow during that period. It's used to prove that time does not actually go slower when you're in danger; you actually just have more of it when you're in danger, making you think that it goes slower. So, if the opposite is true, then little memory means time goes really fast, right? The only way I can think of is sleeping, but I sure as heck can't sleep until June 10th. I really wish I had a doppelganger to replace me so I can go far away. I think I just need to be away for awhile.

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