Sunday, August 21, 2011

You won't find a solution by saying there is no problem.

M. Paff is mad at me but he doesn't know why. How mad? An 8 on scale from 1-10. Oh, boy.

I don't know what I've done wrong. I think he knows; he just doesn't want to tell me and that pisses me off because I've been under the impression that what we have is an honest and open relationship where I don't have to keep asking questions to find out what's wrong.

He says it got started the day he was depressed. Well, okay. So, the day he was depressed, these things happened:

-I videochatted with the kids from camp and they screenshot a picture of us doing messed up faces.
-He saw the picture and jokingly accused me of videochatting with them but not webcamming with him.
-It was late, so I talked to him for a bit and wished him goodnight.
-He seemed depressed so I stayed up a bit later to cheer him up. 

-He went quiet and said he'd be fine and I should go to bed.
-After a few more tries, I went to bed.

This morning, at 1ish, he Skype me. We have an stilted conversation where I can't decide whether to let things smoothly go back to the way they were or give him a hard time because at that point, I'm pretty pissed off as well. I don't want to do either so I choose the middle road. At one point, I flatly ask him if why he's talking to me again. He says he just wants to talk. I ask him if he's still mad at me and he's not. I ask him if he'll be mad at me again tomorrow because I have a feeling he's talking to me out of boredom. He says he'll be mad again if I keep bringing it up. Then I tell him I'm going to bed, but I return after a few minutes telling him about how I can't decide on how to treat him. Then he decides to go to bed. He goes 

Yes, we're both being very mature about this, I know.

I should have been nicer to him. I think it was awkward for him to talk to me again. I feel bad when I reread the conversations, but what's done is done.

Then, tonight, we kind of have a quick conversation where I as before he disappears again.  Like, seriously, if that's not ignoring someone, then I don't know what is, and I tell him so. Then I find out he hasn't been on Skype. Oh, dear lord. Then we're back to having one-word conversations again.

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