Thursday, April 28, 2011

A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.

Curiosity will seriously kill the cat.

I was talking to this British guy (haha--of course. Who else?) who currently resides in Ireland, and he said he was called Mr. Inappropriate when he got drunk. I said that I'd like to see him drunk. Well, the whole time we were chatting, it was pretty clean and fun until he did get drunk. Oh, boy, did the conversation get interesting.

He made all kind of sexual passes at me. Of course, I could have stopped, but I was bored and he was entertaining me, so I stayed on. He told me about his brother's fiancée, who he hated. He told me of all the time he made mean remarks about ugly and/or fat girls at the bar. He asked me if his chest was hairy and showed me. I said no, cause it wasn't that hairy. Stuff like that went on. Boy, was he inappropriate.

Anyways, he got drunker, and started talking about his exes. Faye, the latest one, broke up with him and went to Australia. He was waiting for her to come back to figure things out. He showed me their pictures. Faye was pretty, but Tara was one of the most beautiful-est girl I've ever seen. She looked like a doll with dark curls.

Anyways, I'm straying off topic. It was kind of sad, cause he obviously was still in love with Faye (I'd be in love with Tara, but that's just me). Anyways, it's not my business. It's just sad to see a person so heartbroken.

I'm glad he's a hilarious drunk though. God. Drunk people are like free entertainment.

Speaking of people I've met on Chatroulette. This guy I met a few days ago. Let's call him Monsieur Dow since that's his last name. At first, he looked like a sweet and cute Christian boy. Like, a much more attractive version of Michael Cera. But once he opened his mouth to speak, it's like, "fucking this" and "fucking that". At first, I was kind of put off by that, but once I get over it, I find out that he is very deep and very, very intelligent. He has an interesting views on life and love. He's also a nymphomaniac. Lovely, isn't it? The complete opposite of me. Completely opposite of what I thought he'd be.

But we talked today, and I could tell that we were very comfortable with each other even though he was very straightforward and doesn't curb his words. Like, it just clicked. He just seems like someone who could understand and he seems to feel almost the same way. It's almost like, "Ah, there you are. I've been waiting for someone like you to complete me." Well, if he was that person, then I'm half complete. He and I would take up half, for we each would take up a quarter. Then my best female friend, who I have yet to meet, would take up another quarter. Then the love of my life would be a quarter and would complete me wholly.

Okay, so apparently, I don't pick up on flirting cues. The guy that got drunk was apparently flirting with me ever since we started talking, but I didn't find out until he got drunk and when I asked him to start flirting with me so I could get a feel of how to do it. What is up with this?

Sometimes, I wonder if I was attractive as all these guys make me out to be. I mean, are they just saying it to be nice? Or are they bored of seeing penises and other guys and just want to talk to a girl? Doesn't matter if she wasn't pretty. Especially if she wasn't pretty because she'd be more willing to take off her clothes for them. Sorry, maybe I'm unattractive, but I'm not taking my clothes off for anybody except my British husband. And my mother. She has no sense of privacy.

Got my car back!
I wonder why I like looking at pretty girls? It's weird. Like, not them for real, but I'd like to keep them close. Like a collector. Is that normal? I think it's quite weird.

School doesn't start till 11 tomorrow! Can I get another woot woot? Then me and Mlle. Smith and possibly Mlle. Velasco too are ditching 1st, 5th, and 6th. That's how to end the week.

My Prom dress is done! Picking it up tomorrow!

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