Sunday, October 23, 2011

Extreme complication is contrary to art.

So M. Paff and I have reconciled, thank God. I told him about what happened with M. Nikitin and he told me about Mlle. Lee, who is such a bitch. I think the two of us are on good terms now.

Anyways, I think M. Nikitin likes Mlle. Yee. It's just a hunch since he's always teasing her and the last two times he's slept over, he's slept in her bed, which makes me feel a bit like a third wheel, but it's really no biggie. I think she likes him as well, but I'm going to keep both thoughts to myself for now and see how things unfold.

To be honest, I was a bit interested in M. Nikitin, and I really didn't care that Mlle. Nguyen liked him too, but now that I think Mlle. Yee likes him, I'll bow out gracefully. They're cuter together anyways. Mlle. Nguyen makes things so complicated with her love-hate relationship with him; Mlle. Yee keeps things nice and simple, and that's way easier to deal with than complications, obviously.

Oh, yeah, I went kayaking with the girls yesterday. Fun fun fun. I also dropped my new phone on Thursday and now it won't get any signals and it won't charge. Just my luck.

Bio midterm tomorrow. I'm so fucking scared.

Okay, so I tell M. Nikitin my theory and he confirms it. I love being right.

Then I suddenly experience a wave of loneliness as I study for my midterm. M. Nikitin comes over, and so does Mlle. Nguyen. We all study, and there's obviously tension since Mlle. Nguyen won't talk to M. Nikitin at all. I text him from my computer, saying that as long as Mlle. Yee thinks Mlle. Nguyen likes him, he doesn't have a chance. He texts me back saying that he's told her that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her last week, which is why she's not touchy-feely with him anymore. It's just a conversation that needs to be have in person...something that can't happen right now with the other girls in the room.

Eventually, I get horribly sleepy, and I ask if there's anything I can take to keep me awake. M. Nikitin suggests coffee, and, using that as an excuse, I tell him to come with me to get it. Then EVERYTHING comes spilling out.

Mlle. Nguyen's given a letter telling him how she hates the way he treats her. He says he treats her like a sibling, but, in my opinion, if she wants him to treat her nicer, then she should start treating him nicer too, because she doesn't treat him very nicely at all. He says that he's more worried about Mlle. Yee thinking there's something going on between us than with him and Mlle. Nguyen. For some reason, I think I ask him if he thought I liked him...and he says yes. WTF? I'm like, "WHY?"

Apparently, Mlle. Nguyen's been telling him that I'm in love with him. I'm like, speechless. What the fuck? No. My god, what the fuck.

Then he says he doesn't want to make a move until he's sure that she likes him back because if she doesn't...oh boy, our whole little group would get fucked.

I feel a lot better after going out for coffee. Like, a lot better. But not about the midterm though. I still don't know shit. 

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