Sunday, January 23, 2011

It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly

 For all last week, I've been putting on a moisturizer after cleansing my face. So, that's twice a day. Surprise, surprise: I broke out. Not like crazily where everyone could see--only I could see because I'm probably--hopefully--the only one looking at all areas of my face that closely. I don't know why I did that because I have oily skin, and a moisturizer is meant to keep the face from getting too dry. Well, my face is never going to be dry. Once a day moisturizing is enough. I'm going to start doing that now.

Also, I'm going to start rinsing my teeth with Rembrandt mouthwash. I bought it only because it has the name of a famous painter and a simplistic yet very intriguing design. The sucky part about using this is having to wait half an hour before drinking or eating. I don't have that kind of time, so I'm just going to use it at night.

My hair is long enough to be tied up now! Yippee! But if I put it in a bun, it looks like the end of a chicken tail, which is not attractive at all and definitely not what I'm going for. I want to put my hair up in a bun for prom, and in four months, that goal looks very doable.

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